Thursday, July 31, 2014

Bang Your Head (2013 Will Drive Me Mad)

It's been over a year since I've started my 2013 Project...a year. And it's driving me a little batty but in a good way.

It's a little maddening, but I've enjoyed it. Just like with complete sets, this project has kept me on my toes looking for the right deals on the cards I need to finish off my binder. It's something I've never done before and is something I may even try again (along with a couple other ideas from other bloggers).

If you're unaware of what I'm doing, let me inform you. I've taken the base, certain parallels and certain inserts of the players I collect from each major set and formed a binder which I hence named the 2013 Project.

As it stands today, I'm sitting at 84% (603/716) of the collection accomplished, which means I still need help.

If you or someone you know has spare 2013 singles laying around, please share this post with them. (Ok, I'm not really that desperate, but its worth a shot.)

Here's the link to my 2013 Want List. It is completely up-to-date, and any help is appreciated.

P.S. Only 13 1/2 more hours till the trade deadline folks. Here's to hoping your teams get what they need for the pennant push unless you're a Yankees fan (no offense Yankees fans).

1 comment:

  1. "Band Your Head" is one of my favorite Padres walk up songs - Chris Denorfia. Now it gets me pumped too.
