Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year, Folks

Well, my friends, 2012 will be over in mere hours, but that gives me time for one more post before the ball drops on Dick Clark, again. First of all, I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas and have a wonderful New Year. The real reason for this post is to show off the last cards I received in a what has been a great 2012 card-wise for me. These cards came to me via my Secret Santa from the Crackin' Wax Holiday Gift Exchange. Let me say, without hesitation, that this was the best Secret Santa gift that I've ever received.

Santa sent me this awesome '08 SP Legendary Cuts Dan Uggla Auto, via St. Paul, MN. Dan definitely doesn't have the nicest signature I've ever seen but will always look good in my collection, unless he ever becomes a Yankee of course, but I digress.

Last, but surely not least, Santa also packed in this great '03 Fleer Double Play Flip Card Game Used Gold. Thanks to Santa, this card has been knocked off my Top 5 Most Wanted List. What makes this one special, though, is that it is numbered out of 100, hence "Gold" in the name.

Yeah, yeah. Insert dirty joke here, but that just adds to the cool, manliness of the card. So thank you, Santa, whoever you are! If you have more awesome cards and generosity to spare, we should definitely get in touch. Happy New Year, everyone! Stay safe and remember. Don't drink and blog. If you do, use Spell Check.

1 comment:

  1. Santa did a great job!

    Happy New Year to you and the future Mrs. Toddfather!
