Sunday, December 23, 2012

An Early Christmas Post

Well, everyone. I hope you are done/finishing your Christmas shopping. Everyone will be getting together with their families over the next week or so and spending some quality time with relatives, some of who you won't see until next Thanksgiving. Regardless, being around my family makes me thankful for all the blessings that have been bestowed upon me. This year, I added a few more things to be thankful for. Besides my awesome family, friends and girlfriend, I have gotten a better job with better pay closer to home. I've made some great new friends from work. Lastly, starting this blog has introduced me to some great people in the blogosphere who share in my love of 2 x 3 rectangles of cardboard blazoned with some of the best, worst, and mediocre players in Major League Baseball.

From the humble beginnings of this blog to where it is now, I could not be more happy. I have been allowed the great pleasure of meeting (through email, obviously) some great people. And with this post I'd like to thank you all for all the trades I've been able to make and for participating in the two group break here at the Home of the Toddfather. Thank you Chris from Nachos Grande for my first trade. Thank you Julie from Funner Here for my smallest trade, as in the # of cards. Thank you to Scott from Scott Crawford on Cards for by far the largest trade. Thank you to Doug from Sports Cards from the Dollar Store for catching on to one of my lesser known loves "Wrasslin'". Thanks to Ryan from O No!!! Another Orioles Blog for the invites to his group breaks. Thanks to Speigel from Nomo's Sushi Platter and Adam from ARPSmith's Sportscard Obsession for opening a trade line to the West Coast. Thanks to the Dutch Card Guy for my first international trade. Thank you Mark from This Way to the Clubhouse for the all the awesome trades he has sent my way. And most importantly thank you to everyone who have read, glanced at, or just accidentally clicked on my blog.

I hope you all have safe travels wherever you make be going, spend some well-needed time with your loved ones, and have the merriest of Christmases.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas to you too! (and thanks for past trades and for future trades I hope!)
